Came across this Disney Princesses comic strip when I was surfing the net. First impression, AH! So cute! And then I laughed when I read the scripts. Thought it was really lovely.

To be honest,
I didn't notice they (Pocahontas excluded) were always barefooted.
Until, now ;)
I scrolled down, eager to be entertained by more of these interestingly cute comic strips, only to find out that, that was the only strip there. Yes, disappointed, I was. Until. I noticed the Tumblr URL at the side of the strip which linked me to the entire comic strip. And yes, I had to turn my head slightly to make sure I got the website right, hahah! No pain, no gain :P So there I was. In this page, Disney comic arts everywhere! It was, overwhelming. So, with complete enthusiasm, I went through the entire Pocket Princesses collection created by Amy Mebberson (I believe that's her real name).
Four words, I LOVED THEM ALL!
So, I decided to share them with you. But, before that, YOU'RE WELCOME :D Haha. Why? Well, I've made your life so much easier! How? I've uploaded the entire collection here in order. Do keep in mind that, I do not own this set of comic strips though :D

I love Disney. Always will. Going through this set of comic strips reminds me that my childhood was amazing and I truly am blessed. I mean, come on, can you imagine your life without Disney?
And this is just a tiny part of Disney.
For those of you who are wondering how does this post relate to my title.
Let me put it this way,
I know I am...
Amy Mebberson
Your work of art is amazing. Really is.
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