Am I the only one who realised that this world is full of duplicates (I don't mean twins)? Correct me if I'm wrong. But there are just way too many people who remind me of someone ELSE. Someone I know.
When was the last time you came across a friend who said something which reminds you of a particular person? Or does something which reminds you of a particular person? Or even, dresses up like that one particular person? A person you know who has those unique traits. That one person's trademark. BUT. How is it that someone else is now having that trait?
♥ It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.
(Think about it.)
"She (your best friend) is so likeable. Everyone admires and loves her. She's perfect. Too good to be true. She's so pretty! So bubbly! Everyone loves being with her but not me. She has such a great personality!"
These little thoughts leads to jealousy which drowns you in low self-esteem and inevitably, you wish you were her. And, you start being JUST LIKE HER! What does that leave you with? A carbon copy of HER!
(This applies to the guys too)
Why be someone you're not? Why be someone everyone knows? Why be someone everyone's familiar with?
♥ If God had wanted you otherwise, He would have created you otherwise.

♥ Always be a first-rate version of yourself,
instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.
Okay. Maybe she really is perfect. And, you wish you could be just like her. But all you need is her CONFIDENCE. We are all special in our own unique ways. The only difference between her and yourself is that she knows how to BE HERSELF and shine. You can, too.
She likes polka dots, just like everyone else.
But that doesn't mean you should stop liking stripes!
She's a fan of One Direction, just like everyone else.
But that doesn't mean you should stop liking Coldplay.
She's always dressed according to the latest fashion to date.
But that doesn't mean you should stop rocking that plain t-shirt and shorts.
♥ Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be,
because sooner or later, if you are posing,
you will forget the pose, and then where are you?
I mean, come on, at the end of the day, you'd want others to remember you as you. You wouldn't want to be remembered as THAT GIRL'S BEST FRIEND WHO IS JUST LIKE HER, do you?
Many of us TRY to fit into the 'popular' group. It happens everywhere. Primary school, high school, colleges, workplaces. Even in kindergartens, I'd say.
He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away.
Don't try to fit in! Just be yourself. Bear in mind that when you're busy trying to fit in, someone is appreciating you for who you are :)
♥ Wanting to be someone else, is the waste of the person that you are.
&, here's a wise reminder from ze teddy bear :
Don't forget to
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