I've left my blogger on idle for the last eight months. Been really, really lazy to blog. Perhaps because blogger can be really annoying. So annoying that I've actually lost my super-long-and-took-me-days-to-complete post. Don't ask me how and why. Sigh. Nevertheless, I'm back! Aside from being absolutely lifeless at home during this break, I suddenly felt like reminiscing.
So, let's begin!
But before that,
WARNING: This is going to be a LOOOOONG post.
There'll be several pictures.
To have a good look at it, do click on it for a zoomed-in picture :)
Hellooooooooooooooooo ;)

Well, I missed you :D
Okay, so where do I begin? Ah, yes!
After my AS Levels exams last year, to kickstart my holidays, I met up with the two darlings, Maggie & Chee Enn. It kind of sucks to meet up with them only once in a while when we used to meet EVERY.SINGLE.DAY back in high school. Drastic changes. Oh well, the only option I'm left with is to adapt to the changes despite how difficult it is.
November, 11th. 2011.
Proper date with the two darlings.

I love you both oh so, very much :)
Hope you liked the gift I made.
After that, I went off straight to England for my sister's graduation. But that wasn't all, we went to France as well as Sri Lanka. For those of you who have actually read my blog before, you would know that I did post a blog post about the trip. Yes, I did. And, as mentioned before, I ACTUALLY LOST IT?! gdfhgkdfhfosdfpkgpdhpdfh! (do excuse me for the profanities used, heee) And again, don't ask me how and why.
Anyway, after I came back from the-best-trip-so-far,
Kyle Patrick (he's the lead singer from The Click Five, to those of you who're scratching heads wondering who is he, haha) came down to Fahrenheit88, KL for Christmas :)
So, I went with the sis, Eunice, David and also Ka Ye.
There were gifts sharing for orphans, that is the spirit of Christmas, right?
Well, Kyle Patrick helped to give out the gifts which were contributed by the public in conjunction with the FlyFM Wishing Tree, for the children of Rumah Sayangan, Sanctuary Care Centre, Precious Children Home and Rainbow Home.
As usual, there were a lot of singing along and SCREAMING (psst, I'm referring to Eunice, heh). But we definitely had a great time there.
To top it all of, we actually got a chance to take a picture together with Kyle Patrick.
I know I made you jealous there :D
December, 24th. 2011.
Saw, heard, met, hugged Kyle Patrick.

Ohya! Happy belated New Year, bloggie :P
Okay, so let's fast-forward to my birthday!
Just like every other year, I celebrate my birthday with my dear daddy, mommy and sis :D Well, 2011 was an exception though, 'cause my sis was in UK. So yeah, it was definitely thrilling to have her back. ;)
March, 8th. 2012.
My 19th Birthday with the family.

Thank you & I love you, my dear family.
OK. So, apparently, there was a twist to the story! I had no class on that day, so I stayed home and studied (Sad. I know.) As I was revising in my study room, the house phone rang. I answered the call using the phone upstairs, and mom answered the call using the phone downstairs.
Me: Hello?
unknown: *noisy*
Then, I put down the phone and let my mom take the call.
Mom: Hello? Who's this?
unknown: ... (obviously, I didn't know who was it and what he/she said)
Mom shouted, "Darshika! Your friend!"
So, I went to the phone again.
And suddenly, mom (panicking) shouted,
"No No No, don't answer the phone!"
And, I was like WHAAAT? What's wrong with mommy?
Oh well. Thinking that it was mom's friend on the phone, I went back to study.
After half an hour or so, I suddenly saw Chee Enn outside my study room. With Maggie behind her alongside with my mom and sis. For a second there, I really thought I studied so much that I started to hallucinate. Fortunately, I wasn't hallucinating. ;)
Really didn't think that they've come up with such a plan to surprise me.
AAAAAND then, it all made sense. IT WAS THEM ON THE PHONE. Hahah :)
They actually called my dad first, who was at work. So cute of them.
March, 8th. 2012.
Surprise birthday visit by the two darlings.

They showed me that distance is not an excuse.
The next day, I had class. And so it was back to reality. Twenty-hours went by like it was just a second. HOWEVER. I noticed that the buddies were being exceptionally WEIRD. Had no clue what were they up to. For once, I actually felt like I was left out? Sigh :(
After class, I saw Parveen, Sara, Sathya and also Vanessa. Which was unusual because they had no class that day. And, the weirdness perpetuated. Until they said they came to study in the library. That explains why. :)
AND THEN, they decided to go to the rooftop, again, in a super weird manner. Just when I thought everything was back to normal, THE WEIRDNESS RESUMED. Then, I realised something was up. The minute I saw a birthday cake ;)
They celebrated my birthday and also Jai's together.
(His birthday was three days before mine.)
Another surprise! :') This time from the collegemates :')
It definitely made my day 'cause I've known this bunch of friends for just a year or so and it seems as if we've all been friends since we were kids. I've thanked them. And I will thank them again.
Sugar, and also
That wasn't all though. Went to meet up with Hevinneish, Aleisha & Anash after that. It was really nice seeing them after a very, very long time :')
March, 9th. 2012.
Surprise birthday party with the collegemates.

Cheers to more years in our friendship.
Mom suddenly decided to have Maggie and Chee Enn for dinner with us. So, it was pretty much like a birthday encore for me. We brought them to a Chinese Restaurant in Royal Selangor Club. Had an amazing night with the loved ones. Filled with lots of joy and laughter. Priceless, I'd say.
March, 10th. 2012.
Birthday Encore with the loved ones.

The irreplaceable ones. :')
And, my birthday hasn't ended just yet. HAHAH. On the 17th, when I was in class, Eunice suddenly texted me and she asked (more like ordered, haha) me to go to the locker outside the gym to get something. I supposed she left something. So, after class, I went there straight. There was a cute little pink Diva plastic in the locker. I checked to see what it was to ensure that her things were still there, until I saw a supercute little bracelet in it with a note saying:
Happy Birthday, sayang!
Love you heaps,
Tell me you won't be super aww-fied if you received something of such. I wanted so much to run to her and give her a big, big hug. But, she wasn't there so yeah, had to put the hug on hold. Love her so, so much :')
Fast-forward to April.
Sinhalese New Year!
The one event I look forward to, every year! Why? Well, it is a day of togetherness with your loved ones, but clearly that's not all. It's because there's lots and, lots of homemade cookies! Not just any homemade cookies. But homemade cookies made with lotsoflove from my supermommy! They're the best! No kidding.
April, 14th. 2012.
Round One.
Dinner party with the relatives and also the two darlings.

We're awesome that way. ;)
And round two was with the collegemates. So that they could berbonding with my family ;)
For the first time. Haha.
Kind of sad 'cause some of them couldn't make it though.
Like, Woo, Beatrice, Pui Yee, Greg, Hevinneish, Aleisha and also Anash.
Maybe, next year? :D
April, 16th. 2012.
Round Two.
Dinner party with the collegemates & also, Eunice.
Okay, so it has become a tradition (for ze gang) that we celebrate every one's birthday. Way before my birthday, we even celebrated Parveen's and also Daven's. But sadly, there weren't much pictures taken. NO PICTURE OF ME WITH THE BIRTHDAY BOYS, specifically. So yeah, couldn't blog much about it. (Apologies, Parveen & Daven!)
Nana & Vanessa's birthday!
On the same month but different day.
Again, not many pictures, but I did get to take pictures with both the birthday girls.
I-can't-remember-which-date-we-celebrated-their-birthdays-though. (oops!)
April, 30th. 2012. (I THINK)
Nana & Vanessa's Birthday

And then, I had my A2 Levels exams!
Let's put this in one word.
But you can never say no to having fun, right? So after the last paper, we went to Midvalley.
We wanted to make the best out of it 'cause it could actually be our last hang out together. It was incomplete though because Sara & Vanessa couldn't make it. :(
But we had a great time. Bowling.
Still, it would have been better if Sara & Vanessa were with us.
June, 15th. 2012.
Bowling with the collegemates.

Father's Day!
Obviously Mother's Day came first. But then again, ironically, we didn't take any pictures :( Treated mommy for dinner (with daddy's money, HEH) at a Thailand restaurant in Midvalley.
Treated daddy for lunch (again, with daddy's money, errrr, haha) at TGI Fridays.
June, 17th. 2012.
Superdaddy's day!
Love them more than anything else in this world.
Now that I'm having my holidays. After days of a-lot-of-sleeping-to-compensate-for-my-lack-of-sleep, I've decided to get a part-time job! But sadly, the working hours isn't as flexible as I thought it would be. So much for wanting to prevent a lifeless holiday. :( Plan failed.
But of course, I DO NOT WANT TO ROT AT HOME. Finished two good novels, finally, without any distractions. And, it's about time I met up with my super-long-time-no-see-best-friends. Hahah :)
Started off with Chee Enn.
She slept over at my place. For the first time. Hahah ;)
Maggie was so jealous though. I felt bad. But I wasn't the one who planned the sleepover.
Sorry, Maggie :(
And then, I met up with the two best friends from high school slash tuition partners.
Era & Rajes. Era's back from Russia for holidays. It was so, so nice to see her after almost a year. And, I finally got to see Rajes after 2 long years :(
We went to relive our Form5 days. At, Pudu, of course. It was the cutest plan ever!
Visited the awesomest tuition teachers in Martin. Mr Umaas, Mr Kung, Mr Ganesan, Anwar, & also Geeta. It was so nice to know that they still remembered us even after two years.
"Tiga sekawan", they said.
Snapped pictures with the teachers, b-b-but sadly, of all teachers, Anwar left before we could get a picture with him. *cries* But, LOOKING AT THE BRIGHT SIDE, luckily we got to talk to him for a while though. Otherwise, I'd be cursing now. Jokes :P
Also met up with Harrindran at Times Square :)
June, 29th. 2012.
[ Sorry for the inconvenience caused but the pictures are still under construction]
Next, I met up with the best-friend-since-I-was-nine, Kar Yan.
Finally met up with her after 2 very long years. Glad that we didn't change much. It was really nice catching up with her after such a long time. Love you loads! ;)
July, 2nd. 2012.
Met up with Kar Yan

Best friends for life, okay? :)
And then, finally a proper date with both Maggie & Chee Enn. We were up for a spontaneous plan. But plan failed. Lesson learnt, when you have a bunch of indecisive friends, and you're ALSO indecisive, DO NOT GO FOR A SPONTANEOUS OUTING. Hahah ;)
But then again, we know how to enjoy ourselves. Went to KLCC.
And had lunch at Charlie Brown's Cafe. It's like the super-cutest-cafe-ever! With the most expensive menu :( Sigh.
July, 6th. 2012.
The long-waited proper date with the two darlings

We had our date just only a couple of hours ago.
And honestly, I'm already missing them oh so much :( Sigh.
I have learnt that goodbyes will ALWAYS HURT. Pictures never replace having been there. Memories, good or bad, will bring tears. And, words can never replace those feelings.
Happy holidays! :D
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