Hello, bloggie! ;)
What? You missed me? Aw, you know i missed you too! LOL. :)
Anyway, really has been a (long) while since i last blogged. WHOOPS. But, I'm back! *loudcheer*
I just realised that I've not blogged a single thing about my college life.
Here goes,
say hello to the Cambridge A-levels student of Brickfields Asia College '11,
Darshika de Silva ♥ (that's me, ya know)

Brickfields Asia College :D
My new second home.
Didn't think that I'd end up in the BEST LAW SCHOOL in Malaysia.
Most certainly not the one that my sister was in.
However, I'm not really sure what driven me into this course. Interest? Maybe.
Whatever it is, i'm lovin' it. (despite the stress)
I don't regret my choice. Not at all. Law & Economics. Two very, very new subjects for me.
Come on, I used to be a science-freak. But, I REALLY DON'T REGRET.
However, sometimes, i do regret one thing, and that is not joining this course earlier.
Why? I could have been in the same intake as my dearie, Eunice Gan. (ohhh well...)
Am glad that I get to see her more often now. Love you, dear ;)
Oh, did i mention I'm in the same college as my cousin, Dilhany? Ahhh, pure awesomeness :)
Not to forget, Ryan Lim Ewe Jin from my primary school (wooooots) and,
Chan Mun Yew from my tuition :) and also, Sharmila from highschool! ;)
They say, college is fun. I came to know that it is an undeniable fact, but
only if you have the right friends to share it with you :)
I couldn't explain in words how grateful am i to have met such awesome
friends at college. But, nothing's perfect! I did get exposed to the Real World.
Afraid. Yes, sometimes. Oh, but don't you forget, imma superduperwoman! Jokes.
Okay, i shall now let the pictures do some talking ;)
Meet, ze gang :D
You can see just by the looks on our faces,
how much fun we have when we're together.
Because, we're just perfect that way.
That's Nana! ;) My emo partner.
Sangeetha! AKA sangi mangi the funky monkey :)

Vanessa ;)
Suganneya! Sugar, spice and everything nice.
Danusha! The first BAC friend :)
Parveen! My personal assistant. Nyahaha ;)
&, Jai! ;)
There're many others too. I shall just name them. Oh, do hold your breath!
It's gonna be a looooooooooooong list ;D *exaggerating*
Saravanan ; Daven ; Mathan ; Pacat ; David ; Cheryl ; Esther ; Resh ; Ivan Lee
&, some from the January Intake
Beatrice ; Pui Yee ; Julian ; Hadley ; Sureen ; Jude
-do forgive if i missed out your name-

A master piece made by Manja (she transferred to Sunway)
I miss you, Manja :')
Speaking only about college has made me miss High School life even more.
The memories made, will always be cherished.
The memories made, will always be cherished.
A little shout out to them friends from PESS,
Mei Kee & Chee Enn - We so gotta date more often :')
Era & Rajes - It's been 8 long months since we last met. I miss you both :'(
5 Intanians - REUNION! (laughs) Don't look at me! Okay, fine! Yes, I'm still working on it.
Yuss, Farah, Nisha - You know i miss you :')
Vanessa & Jia Yi - What? After Justin Bieber, you guys don't wanna see me already ah? Jokes.
Anyway, that's pretty much all i could say. AS Level exam in October.
Economics, you so gotta be nice to me ;)
Law, imma rape you :D
Best wishes to all. There's always ups and downs in life, especially in college.
Just bare in mind that when someone pushes you down, be strong and stand up!
Show them what you're made of ;)
p/s : enjoy the blog songs :D
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