Been busy with my Finals, which has been going on quite well, and not so well.
One paper to go, and it's over! But i'm back, for now! Yay!
Anyway, I've been eager to post up this blog quite some time now.
On 4th October, it was my sweetie, Ennie's birthday!
So, like every other year, I'd stay up until 12am on the night before her birthday,
just to wish her through text. This time, i reminisced about our friendship,
while typing that message to her, i felt really, really lucky to have a great friend like her!
When the clock struck twelve, my message was sent to her.
After a while, she called me, and there was an awkward silence at first, until...
Her : I hate you!
Me : Huh? WHY?
Her : *sobbing* You made me cry!
Me : Awwwww! :D
& our conversation went on for a while.
Yes, and the reason for me to blog this is because, SHE CRIED!
Yes, she was so touched by my message that she actually cried! :')
But, i really love her loads! One of the bestest friend, ever!

She's irreplaceable, I swear.

Anak perempuan raymond?
Yes, that's me! But, hahaha?
No one says it like she does. ;)

Best friends for eternity,
because what we have is so,

We're awesome that way.

But, we're incomplete without Mei Kee.
Where there's Darshika,
there's Mei Kee & Chee Enn!
I love them both, oh so much! :')
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
This distance between us, will never tear us apart!
I miss you both! :')
I soooooo can't wait for our outing! xoxo!
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